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Questioning when to call for help?

If you are having thoughts of suicide, harming yourself or others, please call or seek help immediately to the following services

Dial 911

Dial 911 immediately if you are having thoughts of suicide, self-harm, or thoughts of harming others.

Suicide Action Montréal
(French & English)

Tel-Aide Montréal
(French & English)

Go in person

Present yourself at emergency services at your nearest location

Call your doctor right away if..

  • You hear voices or see things that are not actually present

  • You have frequent crying spells for little or no reason

  • You have three or more symptoms of depression

  • Depression is negatively impacting your ability to function at work, school, or family life for longer than 2 weeks

  • Current medications are not working or causing adverse side effects

    • Never change or stop any medications without first talking to your clinical practitioner​

  • You feel that one of your current medications is making you feel more depressed or anxious - DO NOT change or stop taking any medications without first talking to your doctor.

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